Common Tests During Pregnancy
A pregnancy lasts for up to 40 weeks. These weeks are split into three distinct trimesters. The second trimester runs from 13 to 27 weeks into pregnancy. The second trimester is when the baby is growing in stature and strength. Many women believe that this trimester will be easier than the first, but it is important to know about the baby’s pregnancy in the second trimester too. The more you know about your pregnancy every week, the more it can help you make educated decisions and aid you in the significant changes that are coming up.
In the second trimester of your pregnancy, the signs you experienced in the first-trimester start to improve. But you might notice some other signs or symptoms, such as dizziness caused by low blood pressure and body aches, the expansion of the uterus, and an increase in appetite. You might also notice the stretch marks on your stomach, breasts or buttocks. You may also see the baby moving and swelling in the hands, ankles, or hands. You may also observe skin changes, such as darker skin patches around your nipple or notice patches with darker skin. Contact your doctor immediately when you notice symptoms such as nausea, extreme swelling nausea and rapid weight gain or discolouration of the whites of your eyes. This could be jaundice.
We know the baby’s organs fully develop by the second trimester, meaning the baby can be heard and swallowed. The baby begins to move around during the third trimester. The baby also begins to develop the sleeping and waking cycles that the pregnant woman begins to observe.
In the second trimester, your doctor may suggest that you take some tests in the laboratory, often referred to as second-trimester tests, which include ultrasound, weight checks as well as diabetes screening through the use of blood tests. They can also detect congenital disabilities and other tests to screen for genetics, like monitoring your blood pressure, and so on.
The lab tests or screening for the second trimester are vital because:
Blood test
A lab test is used to determine the blood group and blood type. If you have blood that is Rh negative, or if your spouse’s blood is Rh positive, it could result in the development of antibodies that could be harmful to your baby. This is preventable by an injection administered on the 28 the month of pregnancy. The blood test will also look for signs of anaemia HIV, and hepatitis B, as well as syphilis, chickenpox, spinal muscular atrophy, etc. Your physician will advise you to take routine blood tests even if there isn’t any family history of these conditions.
Multiple markers tests
The test is performed to determine neural tube defects like spinal bifida and chromosomal disorders. These tests’ results are merged with the screening for the first trimester to provide more precise results, also referred to as the integrated screen tests. The test is usually taken between 15 days, from the 15th week to the 20 week. Week in pregnancy. These tests comprise LFP, BHCG, Free estriol, and Inhibin.
The test in the lab, is the most safe and comfortable since it uses sound waves to create images showing the baby’s body and uterus’s position. Ultrasounds performed between 18-20 weeks are second-trimester ultrasounds or levels 2. Ultrasounds. It also proves your baby’s growing generally if a woman is at risk of having a more dangerous pregnancy or has a high risk of having multiple ultrasounds during the second trimester.
Screening for glucose The test determines gestational diabetes, which can occur in some women during pregnancy. It could cause health issues in the infant if adequately treated or diagnosed. The test for this lab is conducted in the 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. The test is also possible to take earlier if the mother is more at risk of being diabetic.
(Percutaneous umbilical blood sample) : This lab test is also called cordocentesis, fetal blood collection or the sampling of umbilical blood vessels. It analyzes the fetus’s blood straight from the umbilical cord to identify any issues. The test is conducted after the 18th week of pregnancy. This test is utilized in cases where amniocentesis or chorionic villus samples do not prove conclusive.
Amniocentesis This test is performed to collect amniotic fluid surrounding the foetus. The test determines symptoms of chromosomal disorders and neural tube defects. The test can also be conducted between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy.
Additional Tests Other lab tests are available during pregnancy to test for thyroid and Hepatitis C, tuberculosis, hepatitis B, toxoplasmosis CMV, also known as cytomegalovirus or fragile x syndrome, tay-sachs disorder and more. Before you undergo any additional tests, talk to your doctor.
Your doctor may also suggest having your urine tested and your blood pressure and weight regularly until you are due. The tests will reveal any problems like diabetes and hypertension (preeclampsia). To determine what tests are appropriate for you, talk to your physician and be bold and ask what the reason for the test is, the advantages or risks of these tests, and what results could reveal or may not be able to tell you.