Home Collection – Safety Protocols that are followed by Skylab Diagnostics Trivandrum
Skylab clinical laboratory follow the most effective practices to enhance the quality of blood samples and guarantee phlebotomy safety for healthcare professionals and patients.
Here are nine safety measures when collecting samples that Skylab Diagnostics is proud of. We follow them during the at-home sample collection process to ensure the procedure is secure.
1: Staying Cordial and Respectful
When you enter the home for the home test, the fully vaccinated phlebotomist will take off his shoes. They’ll be friendly and patient and go over how to do it to make the patient feel comfortable and well-informed. Phlebotomists from our company have the necessary qualifications. We take temperature measurements of our phlebotomists and measure them hourly, which is visible to customers.
2: Safety First!
Our phlebotomists, when conducting home testing, will perform hand hygiene and sanitation. They will do this before and after every patient procedure, including applying gloves and taking them off. They wear masks for their faces and PPE equipment during the procedure. At Skylab, we utilize retractable lancets and syringes equipped with needle covers, retractable needles and plastic tubes for laboratory use to ensure cleanliness and safety. These devices are equipped with safety features that constantly prevent the use of needles and lower the risk for patients and phlebotomists to contract the infection.
We use the same protocol for all tests and the rt home collection of PCR.
3: Check with The Mobile WhatsApp!
Our phlebotomists will confirm the patient’s details using the mobile application and begin the process. The samples will be collected following a thorough confirmation by the person.
4: Checking The Temperature
It is crucial for our phlebotomists, who can measure patients’ temperatures before feeding them to the mobile app.
This is the procedure we follow for all tests, not only for the Rt PCR test home collection.
5: Collect The Sample as Per Protocols
At Skylab, All of our phlebotomists adhere to the following guidelines for collecting blood samples.
Labelling the tubes of blood collection before taking samples.
Preparing the site for injection with an alcohol
Place the tourniquet 3-4 inches higher than the injection location.
Puncturing the vein after the spirit has completely evaporated.
Avoiding areas of I/V Infusion hemorrhage, edema and bleeding.
The blood sample is drawn using the least amount of trauma, using the correct method of drawing.
Mixing blood slowly and gently, then inverting it 8-10 times for tubes that add blood, as well as 3-4 times with SST.
By pressing the puncture site, you keep the arm straight until the blood stops flowing.
Then, put a gauze pad on the area and let the patient apply pressure directly for a few minutes.
6: Waste Management of Bio-Medical Waste
The blood-sampling device, a syringe and needle, tube holder and needle that have been evacuated are to be eliminated immediately following use as a one piece.
The safe disposal of sharps inside a puncture-proof, leak-proof sharps container that is closable is crucial for managing the waste and preventing reuse.
7: Sample Packing
Our phlebotomists put the specimen in the bag by security protocols to ensure secure transport and the integrity of the specimen.
8: Collect Happy Code!
After taking the blood, our phlebotomists will take the patient’s feedback and provide the happy code to close the phone call and the entire process.
9: Closing The Call
The phlebotomist wishes the patient a healthy life and then leaves the premises. The process will be completed that involves blood sampling. The phlebotomist can be tracker’s actions through the application.
These steps are recommended to ensure the safety of home sample collection. They also reiterate the best practices for collecting blood samples and drawing them.
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