Are you sure if you’re able to donate blood?
Most people they’re eligible to give if:
Are you in good health? Not experiencing any sickness or any medical issue is under control.
Are you 17 or older Certain states permit 16-year-olds to give parental permission.
Information: While many Indians can donate, only 3 percent donate blood. Your donation is even more critical. Every two seconds, a person within India. Needs blood due to events like accidents or surgery or cancer.
Myth: I can’t give blood after getting tattoos.
Truth: Even people with ink may give. Most likely, you’ll be required to wait for a brief amount of time. You can offer blood when getting tattoos provided that the tattoo was performed by an entity regulated using sterilized needles and ink that is single-use.
Myth If I’ve been overseas recently, I’m not able to donate blood.
The truth: You may still be eligible to donate blood even after your recent travel. It’s contingent on the place you traveled and other variables. Learn more about the travel requirements to determine whether you can donate today or be patient before donating. You can also talk with an IMA eligibility.
Myth: I’m not allowed to give blood if I take medications or recently received a vaccination.
Truth: Taking medicine as prescribed and getting regular vaccinations is crucial to your well-being. In the majority of situations, it is possible to give blood. Certain medications are safe to donate. It is dependent on the kind of vaccine you are receiving; you could be required to wait for a specific time before you can donate blood. Read the IMA’s website for more information about the requirements for medications and vaccines.
If you’re feeling sick or aren’t well, you should wait to donate blood until you are better. You can refer to the IMA’s FAQs on the eligibility requirements for more information on specific circumstances.
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