Thyroid conditions more common in women Skylab clinical Laboratory Trivandrum Thyroid test rate in Trivandrum Thyroid test home collection in Trivandrum best Thyroid clinic in Trivandrum
Thyroid Jun 02
By menhc 0 Comments

Ever wonder why thyroid problems are more common in women? There are many theories, and you may have even asked for them. The real reason behind the phenomenon remains a mystery.

One in twenty people has a thyroid condition [1]. However, women are five to ten percent more likely to have one of these conditions.


The most common reason for autoimmune diseases is thyroid problems. Side effects of medications such as amiodarone and inflammation from a virus infection can also lead to thyroid problems.

Autoimmunity is when your immune system attacks certain parts of your body. Recent years have seen much research on the origins and causes of AD.

These are the main autoimmune conditions that can affect your thyroid.

  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can cause hypothyroidism.
  • Graves’ Disease is a condition that can cause hyperthyroidism.
  • There is no cure for these conditions, but they can be managed with the right treatment plan

 thyroid blood tests to diagnose a thyroid disorder.

Your immune system influences both diseases. Research shows that you are more likely to develop autoimmune conditions if you already have one. Your body’s defense system is susceptible to attack.

We will now discuss two theories about why women are more susceptible to developing autoimmune thyroid conditions: double-X chromosomes and X-chromosome activation.


Our DNA is the blueprint for our entire body. These long-chain molecules contain all the necessary codings to keep our bodies functioning. Your cells store DNA by folding themselves tightly to form structures known as chromosomes. Cells will open segments of the chromosomes when they need to make new proteins for their function.

Each cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Sperm cells and eggs only have half as many. This means that half of our genes come from mom, and half are from dad.

  • The X and the Y chromosomes make up the 23rd pair. The X chromosomes are the sex chromosomes. Biological females have two (XXX), whereas males have one (XY). There are many genes on the X chromosome.

. It contains around 900 genes. The Y chromosome has only 55 genes.

Many genes on the X chromosome are linked to the immune system. There is a higher risk of genetic mutations if there are more genes. Although your cells can correct genetic errors and get rid of faulty proteins, sometimes mutations can be missed.

Women have twice the chance of developing mutations than men because they have two X-chromosomes. This could lead to autoimmunity in women who have weak immune systems.


If the fetus remains in its mother’s womb during pregnancy, the female fetus experiences a genetic process called X chromosome activation. Our cells can switch off any one of the two copies of the X-chromosome genes at will. We do not need them both.

  • Each cell will have either mum’s or dad’s respective X chromosomes switched off. Cells will generally have 50/50 parental X chromosome ratios. You may feel like you are your persona mom but have different characteristics from your dad.

Some people may have an abnormal ratio of X activation. This can even go as high as an 80/20 ratio. Your immune system may struggle to recognize cells associated with your paternal or maternal chromosome if you have a greater skew. Your immune system can attack these cells if it is triggered. This theory is supported by research on systemic lupus, but it’s worth noting because it accounts for the gender bias in AD.

An environment trigger and genetic factors are keys to an autoimmune thyroid disorder. We all have the potential to inherit certain genes that can cause certain disorders and diseases. This is well known. These diseases can be triggered by changes in our lives (e.g., high stress levels).


Women typically experience three major changes in their bodies: puberty, menarche, and pregnancy. Hormonal fluctuations can often cause subtle changes at each stage.

  • Oestrogen
  • Progesterone
  • Breastfeeding requires Prolactin

To support your growing baby and changing body, you need more estrogen. Estrogen helps protect your cells and boosts your immune system. Your symptoms might worsen if you have an autoimmune condition that involves antibodies.

Progesterone can be useful in suppressing your immune response, which can help balance the effects of estrogen. Prolactin can increase inflammation levels by having pro-inflammatory properties. Prolactin can cause autoimmune conditions that are susceptible to inflammation to worsen.

When you reach menopause, your estrogen levels drop dramatically. Because your ovaries stop producing eggs, this is why estrogen levels drop dramatically. Although estrogen will not completely disappear from your body, you’ll still have some. Low estrogen levels can lead to pro-inflammatory reactions.

Hormones change in women through many phases. The hormone landscape of a woman’s body is constantly changing, whether large-scale hormonal changes such as pregnancy or menopause or smaller fluctuations during her menstrual cycle. We are still learning about how this impacts immunity. Women’s DNA can make them more susceptible to autoimmunity than men.

Thyroid conditions are more common in females than they are in men.

  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Changes in mood
  • Weight loss
  • Sensitivity to cold or hot environments

Hyperthyroidism can lead to a decrease in testosterone due to increased thyroid hormone levels. Although testosterone is present in both men and women, it is about ten times greater in men.

For many functions, testosterone is essential for men. A man’s testosterone levels can drop, resulting in erectile dysfunction.

Thyroid problems can also affect fertility for both men and women. It can also affect sperm production in men. This could make it difficult to have a child.

Thyroid problems are more common in women than in men, but thyroid problems can also affect men. Autoimmune conditions can be impacted by chronic stress and poor eating habits


Medical checks offers three tests that will help you determine if a thyroid disorder causes your symptoms.

  1. The Advanced thyroid function blood test examines your thyroid function, including antibodies and thyroid nutrition, for optimal thyroid health.
  2. The Thyroid Function Test can be done at home. This test checks for thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T3 (FT3), and free T4 (4 (FT4) levels to determine if your thyroid hormones are in the right range for a healthy metabolism.
  3. The Thyroid Function With Antibodies Blood test tests your thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T3 (FT3), and free T4(FT4), for a complete picture of your health.

For more information, visit the  skylab clinical laboratory Trivandrum Thyroid Test

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