Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a significant cause of illness among children worldwide. The majority of bacteria that are introduced into the body through the urethra are eliminated via the urine. But, if the bacteria aren’t flushed out of the urethra swiftly, they could grow within the urinary tract and may result in an infection. The urinary tract is comprised of the parts of the body which deal with the production of urine. It comprises:
- Two kidneys create urine through the filtering of blood as well as extra water.
- Two Ureters (or tubes) transport urine to the bladder through the kidneys.
- A urethra, or urethra, transports urinary fluid from the bladder beyond the human body.
- A bladder holds the urine till it’s eliminated from the body.
UTI is a condition that can be seen in children as the urinary tract becomes filled with bacteria. The bacteria can then spread through the urethra before entering the body. Bladder and kidney infections comprise two of the most common kinds of UTIs. If UTI impacts the functioning of the bladder, it’s known as cystitis. However, Pyelonephritis is when the infection spreads into the kidneys via the bladder.
What are the Causes of UTIs in Children?
UTIs are caused mainly by bacteria. They can enter the urinary tract via the vagina’s skin or anus. E.coli is a kind of bacteria typically located inside a lot of gastrointestinal (GI) (in the intestinal tract) and is the most frequently identified reason of UTIs. , This kind of bacteria causes many UTIs or other types of bacteria to invade the urethra through the anus.
What are the Risk Factors for UTIs in Children?
UTIs are more frequent in females, particularly during toilet training. This is because girls are more prone to infection due to having a urethra that tends to be shorter and is closer to their anus than in males. This means that entry to the urinary tract of bacteria is less complicated. In addition, other factors may also facilitate the passage to the urinary tract of bacteria less complex by allowing:
- A malfunctioning urinary tract.
- Deformities or blockages in any organ of the urinary tract.
- Tight-fitting clothes.
- Cleaning from the back to the front after a bowel motion.
- Urination that is delayed or frequent for prolonged periods.
- Poor hygiene.
Symptoms of UTIs in Children?
The signs of UTIs differ significantly based on the child’s age and the degree of infection. The most frequently seen symptoms for children who suffer from UTI are:
- Poor appetite.
- Fever
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Fatigue
- Irritability
Children with bladder infections can also be affected by the following:
- The Painful sensation when you urinate.
- Pressure or pain within the back of your lower or pelvis, just below the navel.
- Frequent urination.
- The urine smells cloudy and foul.
- The urine contains blood.
Children who suffer from a UTI that has spread to the kidneys can suffer from severe symptoms, including:
- Side or back pain.
- Skin that’s flushed or warm.
- High fever.
- Irritability
- Chills when shaking.
- Nausea and vomiting.
- Abdominal pain and fatigue.
Since the first symptoms and signs of UTI in children are quickly overlooked, it’s essential to see a physician when a child appears sick or tired and is experiencing a high fever without any earache, running nose or other symptoms that are obvious.
What is the best way for children with UTIs to be treated?
A child diagnosed with UTI must receive urgent antibiotic treatment to avoid permanent kidney damage. The duration of the treatment for urinary tract infections in children and the kind of antibiotic used to treat the condition is contingent upon the type of bacteria that causes the UTI and the degree of the illness. The most frequently utilized antibiotics to treat UTIs for children include:
- Cephalosporins
- Amoxicillin
- Amoxicillin as well as clavulanic acid.
- Doxycycline is only available to children who are older than eight years old.
- Sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim.
- Nitrofurantoin
Oral antibiotics are used primarily to treat children suffering from UTIs diagnosed as superficial bladder infections. However, hospitalization, IV fluids or antibiotics are usually advised for more severe illnesses.
Furthermore, hospitalization is typically suggested when the child
- A high fever that’s not getting better.
- A kidney infection is present.
- If you are younger than six months.
- Are you dehydrated, vomiting or unable to take oral medication for other reasons?
When your kid is suffering any infection or pain, it is recommended to seek medical assistance from a pediatric physician in Trivandrum immediately to prevent any serious issues.